Thankful for a Happy and Healthy Pet

Thanksgiving is a time for remembering what we are thankful for in life. For many, this includes their family, career, health, and equally as important, their furry friend! We can all get so caught up in our busy lives, we seldom take a moment to reflect upon the positive gifts that surround us. With this family-focused holiday fast approaching, it can be a wonderful time of gathering together, feasting and enjoying the company of our loved ones. It can also be a time when our extended family and friends cannot resist slipping Fido a bit of the Thanksgiving feast from the table, or even after dinner while clearing up. It is important to know what is healthy and tolerable for our pets to munch on, and what they probably should stay clear of. Foods like turkey (without the skin), mashed potatoes, and some vegetables are great for your pup to ingest in small amounts. However, foods like chocolate, onions, and bread dough are some of the items your pet should stay away from.
How tempting all of the delicious food can look to your furry friend! The golden-brown turkey, creamy mashed pota toes, and colorful cranberry sauce all probably smell like heaven to them! It is, however, very important to keep all of this out of their reach. While this food is safe to ingest in smaller amounts, eating too much can cause dietary issues or even illnesses. If you are having guests over, it is probably a wise idea to warn them not to feed your pet any food to keep your furry family member from eating too much or eating something that is potentially harmful. They may mean well, but if your young nephew accidentally feeds your dog some chocolate and your great aunt thinks she’s being nice by sharing her stuffing, who knows how your furry friend could react!
A few small boneless pieces of cooked turkey, a taste of mashed potato or even a lick of pumpkin pie shouldn’t pose too much a problem. However, if pets overindulge, they could wind up with an upset stomach, diarrhea or even worse—an inflammatory condition of the pancreas known as pancreatitis. Signs of distress in your pet include: Hunched back, pain or distention of the abdomen, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dehydration, weakness/lethargy, or a fever. If you observe any of these symptoms you may want to contact your veterinarian. In most cases, just like with us, a nap on the couch and a bit of time allow the overindulgence to pass and we are back as good as new and ready for those yummy Thanksgiving leftovers before we know it!
We here at Wagsworth are thankful for each of you and appreciative of you entrusting us with the care of your furry family member! We wish you loads of blessings at this family and friends focused holiday. May you be able to take time to relax and enjoy your loved ones and the many blessings in your life. Happy Thanksgiving from your pet’s family away from home here at Wagsworth Manor Pet Resort!