Top Tips to Transition Back to Work

One positive during the COVID-19 pandemic that is bringing light to families and individuals spending mounting time at home is the increase in both the adoption and fostering of sheltered animals. As people are self-quarantining and feeling a little uncertain, they have taken the opportunity to adopt or shelter animals in need of a home for companionship. Organizations such as the ASPCA and The Humane Society have reported that due to this, the majority of their kennels are now empty. The addition of a new furry family member is enabling many to find solace in this unpredictable time while also granting these pets a loving home that they deserve.
If your family has recently added another pet to your home or simply has been spending extra time with your long-term pets, your pets have been wagging their tails even more than usual with their loved ones being home all the time. Whether you’ve had your pet for 6 weeks or 6 years, you may have been beginning to wonder what happens when the stay at home order is lifted? Selfishly, we’re thrilled to have your pups back at Daycamp, but until that happens, here are some tips on how to get your pet ready for the return to work and school.
- Start Now. Experts believe that the earlier we begin to transition our pets, the smoother the transition will go. You can jump start this process by feeding, exercising and grooming your pet at the same time each and every day.
- Remind Them You Always Return. By leaving the house for short periods of time without your pet, you are reminding your dog that even though you leave, you will still come home. In addition to this, giving your pet alone time teaches him or her how to entertain themselves. When leaving, giving them a special toy or treat puzzle will lessen the stress of you leaving and may even make it seem like a special occasion.
- Consider Crate Training. Getting your pup used to a crate while you’re at home will lessen stress and possibly make the crate a positive experience. While using the crate, make sure you walk by, walk to your pet and even give them treats. Praise your pup whenever they use the crate without you telling them to. Remember, you want the crate to be a positive experience and even their safe space, not just a punishment for “bad” behavior!
- Schedule Exercise Time. Dogs need 10-30 minutes of play time a day in addition to walks and potty time. This can be as simple as a quick game of fetch! Another way to offer both physical and mental stimulation is to give them treat-filled Kongs (have you tried our Busy Bone of the month?) or other toys. Once you begin to return to work, provide your dog with the toy when you leave. This should keep them busy for part of the day which can also help eliminate negative behaviors.
- Create a Morning Routine. By being active first thing in the morning, your dog will transition to your normal work life right alongside you. Even if you can’t go for a full morning walk, carving out 10-15 minutes to combine breakfast and training, rather than just filling a bowl with their kibble will engage their minds and bodies and provide important interaction to set them up for success for their day.
Creating a normal routine is a great way to prepare you (and your pet) to begin your transition back to a new “normal.” Share with us your tips to keeping your pets busy and book a Daycamp appointment to give you and your pup a much needed break in your daily routine!